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K40 Radar Detectors

Picture of a K40 radar detector kit.
K40 Radar Detectors

If you're looking for the best, most reliable radar detectors on the market, look no further than our line of K40 Electronics products. Whether you're looking for a window mount unit or a fully discreet solution hidden in the front and rear bumpers they have you covered. Not only do they offer a "Ticket Free Guarantee" for the first 12 months of ownership, they will PAY your fine if you receive a ticket within that 12 month period.

Their customer service is also the absolute best in the industry. A K40 representative will call you after you register and completely customize your system (remotely) to how and where you drive. They will answer any questions you have and make sure you are satisfied with their products. Competitors don't even come close to this level of service, which is why we are proud to be considered a Premier Dealer for their company!